Situated on the mezzanine floor inside the Hamilton Airport terminal, Propeller Airport Café offers excellent coffee and a range of culinary delights.

Free WiFi
We have free WiFi in the terminal - connect to "Hamilton Airport" password = freewifi)

The café team invites you to come and enjoy the vibrant, yet relaxing atmosphere at Hamilton Airport's café. Our café is catered by the team at Gather Food House.
We also stock a retail offering of books, magazines, confectionery and travel-related products. The "Support Local" portion of our retail stand offers a range of beautiful, locally-produced products (see below for more information).
Monday & Tuesday
5.45 am - 6 pm
Wednesday & Thursday
5.45 am - 7.15 pm
5.45 am - 6.45 pm
6.45 am - 6.00 pm
6.45 am - 6.45 pm
Please note: our hours may vary due to flight schedules and staff illness.